The Music Prosumer Rises Again

When the first phonographs were manufactured in the early 20th century, they featured recording, as well as, playback capability. You may have never seen a turntable that records, though, since that feature was soon largely rescinded just shortly after having been introduced. The Victor Talking Machine Company, Thomas Edison, and others had “signed” a number of professional recording artists, bringing into existence the era of the modern record company, and they preferred that you buy their records, rather than make your own.

However, we find ourselves in the dawn of a new era, where the diffusion of affordable prosumer recording technology — multi-track Digital Audio Workstations and Digital/Audio Convertors being the keystones — is making it possible for the public to once again produce recorded music that aspires to or even achieves professional standards.

International record companies have survived in an age of internet file-sharing as taste-makers and marketing machines. But the potential for production of local, home-grown music that can still be shared throughout the world has never been greater.

At the Bachwell, we envision a community that plays an active role in its enjoyment of music. Are you interested in cutting a cd-single featuring you singing your favorite song (karaoke-style) to give as a gift to a loved one? Would you like to pick up an instrument as a new hobby? Does your band need a place to rehearse for shows? Or a venue for shows? Are you interested in electronic music production or DJing? Doing a demo to send to record labels? Or recording a finished project and distributing it yourself?

These are the kind of questions we’re planning on answering as our studio is built and grows over the years. Let’s create a spectacle.